Date Night Rules

Rules for Date nights

1. They do not have to occur at night. In fact, mornings are probably better, especially if you have teenagers. The kids are asleep so you can sneak out together, you just got up so hopefully no one is tired yet, and breakfast is generally cheaper than dinner. Especially if your spouse typically only drinks coffee this early.
2. There is no pressure to dress up.
3. If your kids are still asleep (teenagers will be) when you get home, you can go back to bed. Sleep is optional.
4. You start off the day on the same page. Always a good thing.
5. During this date there are a few no-nos:
a. You cannot use the phrase “you need to”. My husband has informed me that this a highly inflammatory phrase and should be avoided at all costs. A better choice might be “what’s on our schedule this week?” which is a good lead in because it establishes responsibility on both parts. You can then barter all the “have-tos” without starting out badly.
b. You may not tease your spouse about their appearance. He/She just woke up and is not saying anything about your cowlick or the speck of toothpaste in the corner of your mouth. Be gracious.
c. Do not keep checking your watch or phone. These two actions telegraph the message that you consider your spouse not worthy of your attention or respect. Which undermines the whole morning. Besides, you may be going back to bed soon; don’t ruin your chances.
d. Discuss current events; you talk about this stuff with friends and this is your best friend. You want to go through your life with him/her, and that includes sharing some of the daily events you see or experience when apart.
e. Do not comment on what your spouse chooses to eat, or not eat. You’re both adults, mind your own diet.

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